Each month planning items are listed on the Parish Council meeting agenda under Planning Reports, these include:
- Planning Applications for Review
- Planning Decisions Taken
- Licensing Applications / Variations
If there is a particular planning/licensing item of interest on the agenda, residents of the parish are entitled to make comment at the monthly parish council meeting which will be considered by the council when they decide any observations, objections or representations. Comments are then passed back to the Planning Department at Hambleton District Council.
Objections, comments or representations can be made by any individual or organisation. These should be done online on Hambleton District Council's website.
For the objection or representation to be valid it must be made for legitimate planning reasons. Examples of the most common valid and invalid grounds of objection are listed below:
Examples of valid Planning Grounds:
- Contrary to Development Plan (Structure Plan or Local Plan)
- Appearance (design, materials etc)
- Traffic, parking or access problems
- Public safety
- Public nuisance
- Residential amenity (noise, overshadowing, overlooking)
- Drainage problems
- Effect on setting of Listed Building or character of Conservation Area
Examples of invalid Planning Grounds:
- Devaluation of property
- Loss of view
- Possibility of future problems (eg use of property)
- Hours of Work and damage during construction
- Business issues relating to the applicant
- Possible fire hazard
- Contended legal rights e.g. ownership
- Errors of notification
What we manage
Great Ayton Parish Council look after many aspects of the village infrastructure. Here you can find out more about what we manage and take care of in the village.
More detailsWhat we support
At Great Ayton Parish Council we like to help support great community initiatives and welcome ideas from from local individuals and groups.