
Your Council

Great Ayton Parish Council is a civil local authority consisting of local volunteers with a passion for their community. We look after a wide range of areas including maintenance of our open spaces, community buildings, allotments, cemetery and play park.

The work of the Parish Council falls into three main categories; delivery of services, improving the quality of life, and giving communities a democratic voice. A local councillor is a voice for their community and acts as community leaders who represent the interests of the communities they serve. Local councillors have three main responsibilities; decision-making, monitoring and getting involved locally.


Meet your local parish councillors and find out more about what we provide and take care of in Great Ayton.

Jo Blackmore


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Nigel Baylin


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Allison Hall


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Ron Kirk

Ron Kirk


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Richard Short

Richard Short


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Lee Marley

Lee Marley

Cemetery Superintendent

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Frances Greenwell

Frances Greenwell


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Angela Livingstone

Parish Clerk / RFO

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vacancy available



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What we manage

Great Ayton Parish Council look after many aspects of the village infrastructure. Here you can find out more about what we manage and take care of in the village.

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What we support

At Great Ayton Parish Council we like to help support great community initiatives and welcome ideas from from local individuals and groups.

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